Mimmo Jodice. Senza tempo

The great Neapolitan master’s photographs are on display in Florence for the very first time.

March 24, 2024 - July 14, 2024

The second exhibition in Florence in the “La Grande Fotografia Italiana delle Gallerie d’Italia – Torino“, the Intesa Sanpaolo bank’s museum, and curated by Roberto Koch.

An exhibition exploring the work of one of the leading masters of Italian photography, on display in Florence for the very first time. The exhibition also includes a new section showcasing Jodice’s images of Michelangelo Buonarroti’s Florentine sculptures, which are emerging from the great photographer’s archives for the first time in thirty years.

The exhibits

80 photographs taken between 1964 and 2011 embrace the most important themes that Mimmo Jodice has addressed in the course of his artistic career, broken down into eight sections entitled Anamnesis, Languages, Views of Naples, City, Nature and Sea.

They range from his sequence of statuary faces and ancient mosaics for architect Gae Aulenti’s Museo station on the Naples underground, to his dark-room experiments of the ‘sixties where he turned the rules of photography on their head, pushing – and indeed overstepping – their very boundaries.

The Views of Naples section, on the other hand, reveals the artist’s restless nature with his indecipherable, enigmatic panoramas suspended in a rarified time made of voids and absences. Jodice’s exploration of his native city, however, was simply a starting point, preparing him to go on to tackle other cityscapes such as Boston, Paris, São Paulo, Rome, Milan and Tokyo in a search for the void capable of responding to his inability to accept chaos and madness, where, in excluding all noise, he encounters a new, personal and metaphysical dimension.

This narrative contrasts with Jodice’s Nature which is unashamedly aggressive and unwelcoming, triggering a feeling of malaise in the observer and forcing us to change the way we look at the world around us. And finally, the Sea, where time for Jodice appears to stand still for good. He spends hours staring at it, discovering the dimension of the absolute in its seeming flatness, in the circular movement of waves breaking on the shore, in the repetitive action of natural gestures.

A Tribute to Michelangelo

Also on display in Florence for the very first time, ten vintage photographs reflecting the artist’s long research into sculpture with a particular focus on faces, which Jodice skilfully takes out of their context in order to set them in a new dimension: Brutus’s frowning gaze, the composure of the Pitti Tondo Virgin, or the intensity of the faces of Day, Night, Dusk and Dawn on the Medici Tombs, but also the details of the bodies of the Prisoners, of the Palestrina Pietà and the Bandini Pietà.

A narrative made of light caressing the marble surface, which Jodice produced in the late ‘eighties for “Michelangelo Sculptor”, a book edited by Eugenio Battisti and published by Guida Editori in 1989. The photographs were only shown in 1990, at the Palazzo Serra di Cassano in Naples.

Organize Your Visit


Siamo chiusi
Tuesday10:00 — 19:30
Wednesday10:00 — 19:30
Thursday10:00 — 19:30
Friday10:00 — 19:30
Saturday10:00 — 19:30
Sunday10:00 — 19:30

Last entry at 6:30 PM
Closed every Monday


Full price: € 10,00

Groups of more than 10 people, EU youth aged 18 to 24, members of the Italian Touring Club, FAI, employees of Toscana Aeroporti, Unicoop members, San Giovanni Battista members, FIAF. It. Photographic Associations and holders of a FULL ticket for the Boboli-Bardini Gardens.

Children up to 17 years old, differently-abled persons and their companions, journalists, tour guides, Firenze Card holders; school classes, including two teachers, only if they have a reservation with the call center +39 055 2989816 of Firenze Musei.

Free guided tours for adults with the exhibition ticket. Every Saturday at 17:30 from April 20 to July 13. Participation is free, without reservation, until all available places are filled. Info: infofcrf@cscsigma.it

Information and Reservations

Call center Firenze Musei
+39 055 2989816

How to get there

Main Entrance:

Secondary Entrance:

For those arriving by car, it is preferable to use the entrance at Costa San Giorgio 2, setting the navigator for Forte Belvedere, where free parking is available. From there, it’s just a short walk to the Villa, following the signs provided.

For people with disabilities, access is possible via a ramp at the vehicular entrance of Costa San Giorgio n°4. Please announce your arrival to the Ticket Office at +39 055 2638599.

Entrance is not allowed for animals, even if on a leash.

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